Young Adults - Filtered Contact Lenses:
Case Study of two young adults from Motueka, New Zealand.


The two young adults featured in this section traveled round trip over 16,000 miles from Motueka, New Zealand with their parents and another brother to be treated at the Low Vision Center of Indianapolis.  They had learned of our work with achromatopsia, before this website was opened by viewing our movie, Achromatopsia, A Journey Through the Light, on YouTube.

Both have worn dark red lenses in their general eyewear to help function in normal
inside lighting. Without their filters, they must squint their eyes to function. The red filters in their eyewear have been very helpful,but as young adults, the cosmetic impact of red tinted eyewear could create a whole new set of emotional and social problems with their peers.  By converting these two young adults to filtered contact lenses, we can reduce the social stigma they may face. The teenage years are trying for everyone, but when you are forced to look different, “fitting-in” with your peers may become more difficult. 

Both demonstrated incomplete rod monochromatism.  During their examination  various types of filtered lenses
were evaluated. These included red central contacts, the NARS contact lenses, and the B30 and B60 contact lenses. The testing showed that the B30 and B60 provided the best overall vision and did not interfere with their small residual color perception. The B30 and B60 contact lenses have the advantage of appearing dark brown on the eye. Thus appearing like a natural dark brown iris on the patient's eyes. Not every achromat can use this type of filter but it often works well in incomplete rod monochromats.



Patient C.I.  Rod Monochromat  Age 10  Motueka, New Zealand

Below on the left side, we see patient C.I. without filtered eyewear or contact lenses. Noticed the need to squint to function in normal room lighting. On the right side, we see C.I. with his red filtered eyewear that have helped him function, but which is not as cosmetically appealing for a young man.  

Now with the B60 lens in place, C.I. can open his eyes and function with a good cosmetic appearance. He simply looks like he has dark brown eyes.


Patient R.I.   Rod Monochromat Age 13  Motueka, New Zealand

Below on the left side, patient R.I. is seen without filtered eyewear or contact lenses. Without filters, she must squint to function in normal room lighting. On the right side she is wearing her red tinted eyewear which have helped her see in bright indoor lighting but which creates cosmetic problems for a young lady.

Now after being fit with the B30 contact lens, R.I. is able to comfortably open her eyes and she simply appears to have dark brown eyes.  On the left, she appears with her new contact lenses. On the right she demonstrates that now she can wear normal fashion sunglasses outside.

Because the contact lenses cover their pupils completely, they will not have the problem of bright light seeping around the edges of her prior red tinted eyewear. Thus some of the reductions in lighting in their environments at home and at school can be adjusted back slightly towards more normal light levels. More light may be required for reading with these types of contact lenses. These adjustments are made slowly. Sunglasses will still be required outside, but they may now wear normal appearing sunglasses.